Communicating With Other Players
If you see something like Jack exclaims, "Hi! then Jack used the say command. To respond, you could type say Hello!, replacing Hello! with anything that you wish to say. Whenever you use the say command, only players in the same room as you will be able to see it.
Because 'says' are supposed to be "in character", a player might choose to use the out-of-character (OOC) chat to talk to you. Like 'says', they are only seen by the players in the same room as the chatter. An OOC message might look like OOC> Jack says, "Hi.". You can respond in kind by typing ooc, then a space, and then whatever you wish to say: ooc hi.
If instead you see Jack pages, "hi" to you.. Paging is used to talk to a specific player regardless of where they are located in the game. To respond, you might type page jack=Hello!.
If you need some help, it is a good idea to type staff and use page to contact someone who is on duty.