Staff Update: Pipford

You may have seen Pipford wandering around the game the last few years as an OOC character. They are now officially RP staff! Please give them a warm hello followed by a barrage of requests.

IC Happenings: 2017

Hey guys!

We haven’t done one of these big updates for a while, but NarniaMUCK’s had one eventful year that looks likely to lead into another eventful year, and we figured a recap might be useful for anybody who wants to jump back in but isn't sure where to start. Read more »

Staff Update: Welcome Selowyn!

Hey folks! You may have noticed Selowyn around the last couple months, helping answer questions and beat me at cubes. She's clever, witty, and a great resource for plot and character development help, so send her a hello when you get the chance!

Staff Update

I'm sad to have to inform everyone that, due to increased responsibilities in other areas of his life, Jarron has made the decision to step down as active RP staff, though he will continue to be an active presence on the MUCK as a roleplayer. We are all very grateful for his contributions during his two years as staff, and while it's a shame to see him go, we're all happy to see him move 'further up and further in'.

The Time Has Come

Prince Cor is returning, everyone! Like, real soon. Real, real soon. In fact, here's a poll to tell us when you would be able to RP about it:

Perhaps you should participate. PERHAPS.

But what does prince Cor's return mean for ME, Antheia?
Well, this is going to be THE big canon event in NarniaMUCK. Featured characters will be pouring out of our ears. There's going to be battles. There's going to be big burly folk knocked down by scrappy 12 year boys. There's going to be cute old lady dwarves with delicious food. There will be laughter, there will be tears, there will be fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles... ah wait that's the Princess Bride. But us too! (Okay the torture is mostly listening to Lasaraleen go on about parties.)

So please, join us for the mayhem and merriment. Even if you are not able to attend scheduled events, there will be enough fall-out for lots of fun and drama. Never played, don't have a character anymore, or don't remember your password? No problem. Send us a message on FB, log in as a guest, or email one of our staff emails and we'll get you set right up. Read more »

Social Media

Yesterday, I unexpectedly found myself buried under a deluge of emails. "The webconnect has broken!" "My client's acting funny!" Now, luckily for me, this mysterious rash of MUCK dysfunction was simply a result of the game having gone down. When the MUCK came back up a little while later, though, I began to think about those emails again. I could detect subtle notes of panic in their phrasing. "Why has my computer betrayed me like this," they seemed to say, "and without leaving me a clue how I can repair it?"

Which brings me to social media. Read more »

Role-play staff update

As some of you may have heard, Antheia and Emilia will have to spend more time in the real world starting this autumn. (They are getting older, after all, Aslan advises us.)

While they will still be around a bit, Wickham, Melody and Jarron have agreed to pick up the role-play staff responsibilities in the meantime, so feel free to give any of them a shout for role-play questions!

Planned Server Outage

Due to server upgrades, there will be a planned outage on July 18th, 2013, starting at 11 am PST and lasting until the servers are upgraded and brought online.

Because the forums are linked to NarniaMUCK's game servers, they will also be unavailable during that time.

Thanks for your understanding!

June Contest (with Real Life Prizes!)

We're updating species info and we want YOUR help. Write an article on any species answering these questions:
How big is it?
How heavy is it?
How much can it carry (both in weight and bulkiness)?
Does the species have a "government" exclusive to the species? e.g. how does it make group decisions (or does it)?
What are the cultural norms of the species?
What does every [species name] know?
Is it normally able to read?
Is it normally able to write?
What special abilities might they have?
What special drawbacks might they have? (there should be more of this than I visibly see)
What did the species do during the 100 Year Winter?
What is a general history of the species?
Is it mentioned in canon? If so, where?

You MAY submit multiple entries (my advice is one per alt, but go crazy). You MAY use what is available in current Species Info articles. You MAY ask your friends for help. You MAY make up suggestions if the information is no where to be found. You MAY add additional information. You may also omit answers if you just don't know, but the best entries will hopefully have thoughtful, researched answers to all questions.

Please send your answers to Deadline is June 28. Read more »

May Festival!

Come one, come all – To the festival of the year! We are inviting all able-bodied players and their characters to join us this May for a time of merriment, mingling and an overall good time! The schedule of events will feature another tournament, some interesting announcements, a few special guests (including a certain canon Calormene) and hopefully enough RP to make your heads spin. Wink This is only the beginning of something big and we look forward to seeing all who can make it! (Stay tuned for more specific dates!)

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