Server News

Planned Server Outage

Due to server upgrades, there will be a planned outage on July 18th, 2013, starting at 11 am PST and lasting until the servers are upgraded and brought online.

Because the forums are linked to NarniaMUCK's game servers, they will also be unavailable during that time.

Thanks for your understanding!

Game Server is Back UP!

The problem got resolved some time in the night and I brought the game itself back up this morning.

I don't have all the specifics on what happened yet. One part of what happened is that the virtual machine that the game runs on was transferred from one physical machine to another which required a shutdown of the virtual machine. Anyone one connected to the game at the time may have gotten the message "Going down, be back in a bit!"

Anytime you receive that message it may be because a MUCK staffer initiated a shutdown of the game OR it is because the machine the game runs on is shutting down1.

Unfortunately, after the move, something else went wrong, _possibly_ due to a power failure in the data center in which the physical machine resides. If there's more news, I'll add it as a comment to this news story.


  • 1. For those of you technically minded, this is because the OS (Debian Linux in this case) when told to shutdown sends a 'signal' (SIGTERM) to each process, telling it to close up shop, as it were. GlowMUCK responds by sending that message, saving and exiting as quickly as it can)

Server Outage this Evening

NarniaMUCK is currently down. I'm waiting to hear back from support but it looks like the data center where we're hosted is having problems. We'll bring the server back up as soon as possible and provide any details we have after that.


Network Upgrades: Possible lag or outages.

Over the next few days we may experience some connectivity issues with either the website or the game itself.

This is because the hosting company is upgrading its network infrastructure. While they'll making an effort to minimize down-time there still may be some brief moments where the server or the webpages are unreachable. So don't panic if you can't connect--simply try again five minutes or so later.


Memory Usage and Screen Reader Friendly Features

We made some changes to the server configuration this morning. There were some configuration changes that we wanted to make and update to a more recent version of GlowMUCK... Read more »

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