NarniaMUCK is many things, but here are two highlights:
- NarniaMUCK is based on the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. We hold C. S. Lewis' writings to be canon and strive to keep gameplay on NarniaMUCK true to them. Creativity is encouraged, but faithfulness to the spirit and letter of Lewis' depiction of Narnia is key.
- NarniaMUCK is a roleplaying game. We heavily place our emphasis on roleplay rather than on chatting, social activities and game mechanics. We do a lot of the chatting and being social stuff too, of course, but players are encouraged to focus on playing their characters most of the time. And unlike many MMORPGs (Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games), your options for customizing and roleplaying your characters are nearly endless, because we don't rely on a limited range of graphics and pre-programmed actions. You're bound only by the limits of your imagination and by the rules of the Narnia universe when roleplaying in a text-based game like NarniaMUCK
It bears mentioning that there are a few things that NarniaMUCK is not:
- NarniaMUCK is NOT a proselytizing vehicle. NarniaMUCK is based on books that interact heavily with Christian beliefs, and a number of our players are Christians. However, many players are non-Christians, and it's important to us that players not feel pressured, preached-at, or discriminated against because of their beliefs. Just as we will not allow discrimination against our Christian players, we also do not permit Christian players to disrespect others. Civil discussions regarding faith are always welcome.
- NarniaMUCK is NOT a Furry MUCK. This isn't to say that we take a violent position against the Furry fandom, because insofar as the Furry fandom is defined as 'fans of animals in literature and art', most of us are Furry fans ourselves. However, Lewis' Talking Beasts are not anthropomorphic; they do talk, they do wear clothing, but in basic form and function they are very much like their real-world counterparts. Furry fans are, of course, welcome on NarniaMUCK, but they should be aware of the differences and be prepared to play 'non-morphic', Narnian characters.
- NarniaMUCK is NOT a resurrection of the Narnia-themed MUSHes of the 1990s -- Between 1990 and 1995, several Narnia-themed MUSHes (starting with NarniaMUSH, which later spun off Narnia Golden and FreeNarnia) existed and became popular. At the time of NarniaMUCK's inception, many players from these MUSHes assumed we were a reincarnation of these games, when in fact we had never heard of the MUSHes, much less played them. Players from these games are absolutely welcome and encouraged to come and play NarniaMUCK, but be aware that the setup is much different from what you remember on NarniaMUSH.
As of this writing, NarniaMUCK features fully functioning combat, archery, cooking, fishing, and healing systems. All of this has been put into place with careful emphasis on roleplay rather than hack-n-slash gaming. All of the programming is unique to NarniaMUCK, making NarniaMUCK a truly individual gaming experience.
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