About the Land of Narnia
Narnia is a temperate land characterized by lush green hills and deep, mysterious forests. Its residents are chiefly Talking Beasts -- animals with the ability to think and talk like humans do -- though familiar figures from Greek Mythology such as centaurs, unicorns, nymphs, dwarfs and fauns are common there as well. The society is largely pre-industrial/medieval in flavor, and Narnia's inhabitants generally live peacefully together. In addition to the Talking Beasts, Narnia is home to many ordinary beasts as well, so there is no antagonism between talking predators and their would-be talking prey.
Narnians revere a deity-ruler they call The Emperor Over the Sea. The emperor is never seen, nor is much about his nature revealed to us through the books, but the Narnians nonetheless accept his existence and his authority as assured and very real. Narnians also accept and believe that their world is but one of perhaps millions of worlds over which the Emperor presides, and that his will is carried out largely in the form of his Son, whom the Narnians know as Aslan.
Aslan is regarded to be the 'King above all Kings'. In Narnia, he typically appears as a majestic and masterful lion, described as both beautiful and terrible, untamed but good. We are told in the books that and it was Aslan who created Narnia and its inhabitants, and Aslan who chose those beasts to whom the gift of speech would be granted. As the Son of the Emperor Over the Sea, Aslan is believed to be the Lord of many worlds, and that it is the business of attending to the needs of those living in those worlds that keeps Aslan from lingering more in Narnia than he is known to do. There is strong evidence, though, that Aslan is always far more present and aware than the Narnians realize.
Humankind is not native to Narnia, but it is present there. The earliest human populations were established by Aslan, who brought a cabbie and his wife into Narnia from London, and crowned them Narnia's first King and Queen. The descendents of these first humans later spread southward and populated a smaller kingdom known as Archenland. Still more descendents went further south and settled in the arid desert region of Calormen. Meanwhile, the human population in Narnia itself gradually died out to the point that many Narnians in northern regions became unsure that Man had ever existed at all, and that the stories of men were not merely myths.
Exactly why the human population in Narnia died out is not revealed in the Chronicles, but one possible explanation lies in the character of Jadis, otherwise known as The White Witch. Once a powerful sorceress and ruler in a dying world called Charn, Jadis slipped into Narnia as it was created due to irresponsibility on the behalf of a human child known as Digory Kirke. Jadis quickly established herself as the first significantly evil presence in Narnia. To protect the newly-created Narnians, Aslan provided a protective tree to keep Jadis away. She escaped into the cold, unforgiving lands in the far north and presumably lived among the giants for almost 900 years. At that time, the protective tree's powers diminished and she was able to reenter Narnia. Jadis' sorcery imprisoned Narnia in a perpetual winter for a century, and she wielded a magic wand that allowed her to turn anyone who opposed her into stone.
This is the scene onto which The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (LWW) opens, as four children from London manage to stumble into Narnia through an old wardrobe. Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy arrive as the fullfilment of a prophecy that states that two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve will sit upon the thrones at Cair Paravel, Narnia's castle on the sea, Jadis' power will be defeated and she will die. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (LWW) tells the story of how this was managed, and in the end the four children ruled Narnia for 15 years. Their reign was so successful that it was later referred to as the Golden Age of Narnia.
NarniaMUCK's roleplay began during the start of the Golden Age. The High King Peter and his siblings ruled for 15 years of peace and prosperity, and have since disappeared from the land of Narnia. We pick up today with the Narnian thrones empty of rulers, and 4 interim Stewards appointed to govern Narnia in their stead. Narnia is a land now accustomed to peace, and much uncertainty faces its citizens as we march forward into an era not touched upon by canon.