NarniaMUCK Basics
The following tables list commands that may be used by players on NarniaMUCK. Please read through them and contact the staff if you have any questions concerning how they work or when they should be used.
Be aware that this list does not comprise EVERY SINGLE command available to you on NarniaMUCK. Combat commands, spells, and commands specific to a given item are not listed here, as most of these are displayed either elsewhere or on the items they affect.
Be heard! Use these commands to communicate with other players.
Command | Function | Format |
SAY | Used to 'speak'. Example: Wixenstyx says, "Hello!" |
say <message> " <message> |
POSE | Used to perform an action.Example: Wixenstyx waves hello! |
pose <action> : <action> |
WHISPER | Used to communicate privately with another character in the same room with you. | wh <name>=<message> |
MUMBLE | Used to communicate semi-privately with another character in the room with you. Mumble is the MOST ACCEPTABLE private conversation command in IC play. There is a chance you might be overheard. | mumble <name>=<message> |
PAGE | Used to communicate privately with another character who is not in the same room with you. | page <name>=<message> page #help for a helpfile. |
DREAMCHAT | Sends a message over the public channel for all players who are logged in to hear. | dc <message> |
ISO | Sets a short bulletin to request RP without compromising alt secrecy. Other players can also respond anonymously. | iso iso #set iso #resp |
OOC | Sends an OOC message to the room. | ooc <message> |
Registers a message for the wizstaff about an error or suggestion for improvement. | bug <message> typo <message> gripe <message> idea <message> compliment <message> |
GOSSIP | Sends a short message to the roleplay staff about your current plots. | gossip #add |
In-Character Commands
The following commands are NarniaMUCK-specific commands that are used during the course of IC roleplay.
Command | Function | Format |
GET | Picks up an object from a room and puts it in your inventory. | get <object> |
DROP | Takes an object from your inventory and places it in the room where you stand. | drop <object> |
HAND | Moves an object from your inventory to that of another player. | hand <obj> to <name> |
Container commands. Used to put an object inside a container, such as a pouch. | put <obj> in <container> pull <obj> from <container> |
STEAL | Attempts to take an object from another character and put it in your inventory. Success is based on ability and/or the size of the object. Experts can succeed without getting caught. | steal <name>'s <obj> |
ROB | Attempts to take coins from another chararacter and give them to you. Success determines amount taken and whether or not one is caught, and is based on ability. | rob <name> |
Consumes food objects! | eat <whatever> drink <whatever> |
Consumes food objects that have servings. | eatsome <whatever> drinksome <whatever> |
KILL | Stops a prey object from moving so it won't get away from you. | kill <whatever> |
Commands for wearing and removing clothing items. Pouches generally can be worn, and worn objects cannot be stolen. | wear <whatever> remove <whatever> |
Commands for wielding and unwielding a weapon. | wield <whatever> unwield <whatever> |
TAKEOFF | Command used by flying creatures to take off into the sky. In the sky, type 'land' to land. | takeoff land |
FOLLOW | Allows you to lead or follow other characters. | follow <name> lead <name> accept dropoff <name> halt |
FLEE | Hasty getaway command. Runs you out of the room in some random direction. Fun to use when your character is supposed to be too panicked to know what he or she is doing. | flee |
SNEAK | Attempts to move you into another room without notifying the other players. Success is dependant on skill and terrain. | sneak <direction> |
TRACK | Lists characters who have recently moved through the current room. Success dependant on ability. | track |
READ | Used to read the pages of a book object. | read <book>=<page> |
FISH | Used to fish in rooms containing bodies of water. When you see a fish, type 'capture' to catch it. Success dependant on skill. | fish capture |
FEED | Throw an object into a fire. Deletes object. | feed <object> to fire |
GOOOC | Takes you out of the IC realm and moves you to the OOC Lounge. Use 'GOBACK' to return to Narnia. | GoOOC |
Character Setup Commands
The following commands can be used to set up your character, your character's home, and your display.
Command | Function | Format |
@DESC | Sets the description on your character and/or something your character controls. | @desc <obj/me>=<description> |
@SEX | Sets the gender of your character | @sex <m/f/n> |
@PASSWORD | Changes your character's password. | @password <old pw>=<new pw> |
FENI | Allows you to set or edit your FENI Description, which shows in to other charcters who have not @recognized you. | FENI #set or FENI #edit |
ATTRIBUTES | Sets your 'glance' attributes. | attrib |
@SPECIES | Typed alone, displays the set of Species available to players. Followed by a player argument or 'me', allows you to set the species for that player. (Can only be used once; must be reset by a wizard.) | @species or @species me |
@HOME | Allows you to set your home to your current location. You must either OWN the location, or the room in which you stand must be set Abode. | @home here |
@DOING | Sets your 'Doing' message on the MUCK WHO list. | @doing <message> or @doing me=<message>. Type @doings to set up a list of multiple rotating @doings. |
COLOR | Sets your 'color' flag, which determines whether or not you see ANSI colors. | color on color off |
@LINEWRAP | Sets the linewrap for your screen, to prevent you from needing to scroll to the right or left. NOTE: If you do a lot of logging, you'll be better off NOT setting this; most clients use the linewrap breaks used ingame as full breaks, and you'll be reassembling a lot of lines in your logs. |
@wrap <columns> @wrap off |
MORE | Sets up a 'more' prompt to prevent more than one screen from rolling past. Screen will remain paused until you send through a single break (enter). | more <lines> more off |
Character Information Commands
The following commands provide helpful information about your fellow characters and the world around you.
Command | Function | Format |
LOOK | Displays the description and contents of whatever you're looking at. Typed alone, shows the description of the room you're in. | look look <whatever> |
LOOKAT | Displays the description of an object in someone or something else's inventory. | lookat <name>'s <object> |
@RECOGNIZE | Replaces a character's FENI-description with their name. | @recognize <feni-desc>=<name> |
@STATUS | Shows a list of your character's current statistics | @status |
@ABILITIES | Displays a list of your character's ability ratings. | @abilities |
@SKILLS | Displays a list of your character's combat skills. | @skills |
@SPELLS | Displays a list of your character's spells | @spells |
PINFO | Displays information for a given character. Also used to set your own information. | pinfo<player> pinfo #set |
Player Utility Commands
These commands are important for performing crucial activities within the game.
Command | Function | Format |
DB | Displays your player database profile, including your alts and your Silver Apples count. | db |
SIK | Stores and recalls information on your character object, so you can keep track of commands or plot information your character knows. | sik <information> sik #show |
HOME | Takes you out of the game in the event of a programming glitch. 'Home' will empty your character's inventory, so only use it if there is no other option. | home |
MOVE | Moves you from one room to the next. Using 'move' is not necessary, but if it makes you feel better, by all means use it. | move <direction> |
QUIT | Logs your character out of the game. | QUIT (all caps required) |
Game Information Commands
The following commands provide helpful information about the game itself.
Command | Function | Format |
SPECIES-INFO | Provides a detailed explanation of each of the species allowed on NarniaMUCK. | si [<topic>] |
HELP | Provides explanations of commands use on NarniaMUCK. | help [<topic>] |
INFO | Provides an indepth discussion on many topics pertinent to NarniaMUCK and playing there. | info [<topic>] |
NHELP | An aggregation of the prior three commands, with newer articles and a search feature. | nhelp [<topic>] |
MOTD | Message of the Day. This appears everytime you log on, but can also be read by typing the command. The MOTD is updated whenever announcements need to be made. | motd |
STAFF | Lists the helpstaff available to help you. | staff wizzes |
WHO | Shows who is logged in right now, how long they've been on, how long they've been idle, and their @doing message. | WHO (caps required) |