Well, the calendar has been uninstalled and replaced, and now look at it.. Isn't it pretty? Not bad for a day spent up to my ears in CSS and PHP and other three-letter acronyms that are less appropriate for mixed company.
I've started going through and adding in the 'birthdays', but as usually I'm making the job harder on myself than I probably should... When we go to add an event to the calendar (and the public can do this, so some of you will probably see this for yourselves at some point), there's this big open space titled 'Description'. Part of me just isn't content to put in "This is So-and-So's birthday!", or (God forbid!) leave it BLANK... So I've been putting in a brief explanation as to who this character is and how he/she relates to other characters in the game.
Actually, just from an administrative standpoint, this has been a fairly good exercise for me. It's forced me to go through and look at each character in turn, refreshing my memory as to what each does, what each HAS done, and what they're presumably doing now. Never a bad thing to know.
I've limited the characters I'm posting to charcters with a usecount (login #) of greater than 25, who also don't happen to be retired. So, while we're nowhere near DONE yet, if when we ARE done you notice that some or other character of yours isn't on there, just be patient. Once I'm done I'll run through BDL and add/remove birthdates as appropriate.
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