And in other news...

Well, I'm now through February and beginning March. Must treaspass on your patience a little longer with this. At least now the hard work is done (read: programming); all that remains is the busy work of putting everyone's names in.

In other news... sons, Zack and Noah, and I saw 'Enchanted' today for the first time. We had a great time, at least partly because it was such a treat; we just never do that sort of thing, usually because we can't afford to. If you like Disney and fairy tales, I highly recommend it. We laughed and laughed through the whole thing!

Finally, today my youngest son (who is 1) said his first word. This bears qualifying, because he's been babbling nonstop for a long time, but this morning marked the first time I'd heard him say a specific sound in reference to a specific thing. Susanna (3) and I were in my bedroom upstairs; I was working on my laptop and she was watching Noggin. Can you guess what he said? Are you ready for this?

He said: Dora.

Well, okay, it was more like "Dohwah!" But as he said it he had crawled to the end of my sleigh bed and was reaching over the sleigh-bed frame to the TV, where (as it happens) Dora The Explorer was inviting her faithful viewers to help her find Isa the Iguana or something.

Somehow, I hoped this time, just this once, it'd be 'Mommy'. Oh well. Still a little tickled, though.

Susie has pink-eye, which is why we were at home watching Dora instead of at church this morning. She doesn't seem too bothered by it, fortunately, but it looks awful anyway. Noah starts back to school tomorrow, and he and Susie both have music lessons. Zack has a spelling test, and he's supposed to go on some kind of field trip to the recycling center with his boy scout troop. Oh, and tonight, I have a handbell party to attend; it starts in a little over an hour, and I'm supposed to bring something, and as of this writing I have no idea what to bring. Maybe I'll just pick up a round rye and some dip on the way or something?

I post this kind of ridiculousness here just so y'all know what my life is like when I'm NOT, say, debugging an attribute program, or putting imaginary birthdays on a web calendar. And it's not that I feel you all need reminding, because I know you know I do my best, and most players are extremely appreciative and patient when it comes to the work I do with the MUCK. I just feel it's only right to assure you that if I'm not working here, it really is just because I'm busy in RL.

Incidentally, the Fisher-Price 'Imaginext' Pterodactyl my sons got for Christmas is pretty darned cool, I must say.