Dum de dum de dum...
I've had a nice time lately just hangng out in the OOC Lounge. Those who have been with us awhile know that now and then I'm able to give myself a break such that I can just hang out there and chat with people, which is always nice. The downside is that it tends to be a double-edged sword; as nice as it is to connect with players and be social for awhile, I end up feeling guilty because I'm distracting from RP, which is clearly not a goal. I won't fret too much, though, because our players of late really aren't the sort to lean too heavily on either IC or OOC at the expense of the other. Yet another reason why I find myself infinitely fond of our current playerbase, I suppose.
My real life lately has been a real roller-coaster of emotions. Taken altogether, it's nothing compared to what others are going through right now, but the sheer emotional yank from high to low to high again is pretty exhausting. In the past week alone (and consider that today is only Wednesday), I've been through the excited anxiety that accompanies one's first real business presentation with a new business, the profound disappointment and anger that results when said presentation turns out to be an unmitigated disaster, and then the subsequent joy when another prospect says, "Well, WE like your ideas.." That plus schooling has left me little time or energy for working on my projects ingame, but there is, at least, the potential for money to be made in RL now, which isn't a bad thing for game or RL family alike.
And since I'm on the subject, may I just say that making money is, in general, a ridiculously complicated business? I cannot for the life if me find out what determines whether a donation made to a nonprofit organization will be taxable or not. By this I mean, "Will the nonprofit have to pay taxes on it?" not 'Will the donating party be able to write said donation off of his or her taxes?". The answer to the latter is splashed all over the internet. The answer to the former is nowhere to be found. Very annoying.
Before I sign off for today, I'd like to segue into something completely different and direct all eyes of appropriate age to a web-comic I've found called 'Lackadaisy'. Lackadaisy is a webcomic (featuring cats) that is set in my own hometown of St. Louis during the Prohibition Era. In style and substance it's a bit more sophisticated than it is funny, but the artwork is impressive and the characters are a lot of fun. The author(ess?), Tracy Johnson, is apparently local to me here, though I don't know her personally. I just enjoy the comic.
That's about all from me today, except to say that I REALLY HOPE this cold snap goes away soon.
Wix out!
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