Making a note here: Huge Success!

This was a triumph! In fact, It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Wink
For the first time this month, I can cross something off of my To-Do list for NarniaMUCK. The points of data are making a beautiful line. We're out of beta and releasing on time!

Okay, I'll stop it with the Portal lyrics. Wink

The project in question is, of course, the Attributes programming. Now, even though I'm sitting here gloating over this like it's some huge accomplishment, in point of fact what makes it a 'triumph' isn't actually the program itself. The truth is, it's been pushed through beta testing and put up without a whole heck of a lot of error-checking. I know it works, but I also know there are glitches here and there.  It seemed more important to get it up and working than to make sure it was perfect, especially since the aspect of RP it affects is primarily cosmetic. If it glitches, the worst that might happen is that somene ends up with two-tone eyes until I reset their Eye Color property.

But it IS a triumph, even so. Not only did I stick with it until I got it done, I actually did reasonably quickly (for me). There were aspects of this program which (as you probably know, if you read this blog much) have been some serious thorns  in my side for a long time. I sat here stuck in the same place for at least two weeks, for heaven's sake. I'm still amazed that I found a way around them that I'm actually happy with.

But anyway... Please, PLEASE type 'attrib' the next time you log on and make sure your characters' age, hair and eye color get set. The command itself will probably change once everyone's reasonably set up, but for now, that will get you there.

Oh, look at me here talking when there's science to do...