10th Anniversary Afterthoughts
I just wanted to do a little summary and acknowledgement on the Anniversary Festival. First, I want to thank all the staff for the work they put into it. Everyone helped with the generation of the Anniversary idea as well as all the different events that went on and items that were created. Especially the Game Development staff should get some thanks for all the hard work on Coghill, which had major contributions from Emilia and Paxa as well. Lydia also did a TON of work: redescribing all the rooms in Beruna, creating food, prizes, and new things to buy, and several other things that this festival couldn't have existed without. Feaelin even popped in for a while on the day itself, despite having several RL obligations right now. Wix showed up, too! I know many of us were very excited to see her, none more than we the staff.
But I also want to acknowledge how great our players were. This festival could have just been some contests and free food, but it turned out to be so much more than that. Many of you will be going home with enough new RP material to fuel weeks of RP. All of you (I believe) are going home with new relationships.
A few highlights are:
Every single one of the royals (and some other FCs, too!) logged on! Many of you got to have a personal conversation with at least one FC.
Ponderpate, Winddale, Petraverd and Glyn, and Raistlana were the winners of our various contests. All of you (even Raistlana) were very gracious winners, and I was surprised to see some interesting RP arise out of the contests themselves.
On the dancing green, Odell, Frillawit, Niffum, and Fidus ruled the roost with much singing, dancing, and drinking, which caused both some new friendships and some mischief.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the Wolves of both Ulfden and Winterden. A lot of repressed tension came out in the melee (the strategy of which was pretty fascinating), but some surprising friendships emerged as well.
You were all patient and friendly with one another OOCly, and true to your characters (be that in competition, grace, friendship, rivalry, drunkenness, anger, joy, or sorrow) ICly. What a truly excellent representation of what NarniaMUCK is as we remember the past 10 years.
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