Giants in Lantern Waste

For those who missed it, let me just say: the Giant invasion of Lantern Waste was a sight to behold.  I'm glad I got to see it.

Many thanks to all of you who responded to the ISO messages. The giants' chieftess, Gargungotle, was killed recently, which has made the Wildefriese giants rather unhappy. They took it out on Lantern Waste last Thursday evening, leading to a rather painful physical battle for those Narnians who attempted to help drive them off.

Fortunately, the giants managed to pick a fight amongst themselves, and wound up beating themselves up pretty badly. I don't think Paxa and I have ever laughed so hard while watching an RP!  Kudos to the Giant players for carrying off their characters so brilliantly true to form.

Thank you again to all who participated. It was a fun roleplay.