Father Christmas and Christmas Events

Father Christmas is back in Narnia! He'll be wandering about Narnia, Archenland, and even Ettinsmoor from now until January 15th. Find him and get a special prize!

In other Narnian news, please join us for our Christmas feast to be held on December 18th. There will be a breakfast feast opened by Edmund in the "morning" and an evening feast and dance that night-- noon PST and 7pm PST respectively (subject to change). In between Tumnus' house will be open for storytelling and tea, food will be available, and there will be room for dancing, chatting, and friendly spars. All sorts of interesting characters (including celebrated canon characters, generally ostracized characters, highly militant characters, and perpetually inebriated characters) have set out to enjoy the festivities, so this promises to be an event you won't want to miss!