RP Seminar Announced

Players! Please plan to join us on Wednesday, March 19th for an RP Seminar! We'll be discussing Medieval Culture and how best to work it into your roleplay.

Join us at 7:30 pm Central/8:30 pm Eastern time that night in the TinyPlot Development Room (located south of the OOC Lounge in the OOC area). This is a panel-type seminar. Staff will give their viewpoints and players will be given a chance to ask questions and discuss the answers. It's very informal, and it's a lot of fun! Moreover, you might learn something you didn't know, or contribute something WE didn't know!

If you cannot attend, fear not; we'll be posting transcripts here on the site. If you have questions about the topic at hand, do page #mail us ahead of time so we can make sure we cover the important stuff!