Server Concerns
Many are asking about the server instability that has plagued us for the last few weeks. I just wanted to address that here, for those who are concerned, and explain what measures are currently being taken to prevent it from continuing.
As most of you already know, our server experienced a full-out crash a few weeks ago. Marstmelo, fortunately, has maintained an excellent selection of backups, but since we've moved the game to the a new drive, the game has been acting up. Mostly, the damage has been minor -- small changes lost, etc. -- but as the spontaneous crashes have become more numerous, I've halted my efforts to finish some of the game developments I've previously announced until we get it sorted out.
I don't want this to worry all of you, though. The game is fine. Mars and Feaelin are working together to sort out why it's acting up, and the worst we've suffered so far is a little aggravation. At this point, we think we MAY have discovered what it was that the MUCK didn't like, and since correcting that the MUCK has remained fairly stable. However, we must beg your patience over the next week or so just in case there's more to it.
Please do carry on as if all is well, though. For those dealing with illnesses and pregnancy, let me know if you feel that a significant portion of 'online time' has been lost, and I'll update your timers accordingly.
My personal thanks go out to Mars and Feaelin for their hard work on this. I am grateful that the game has them in its corner.