
This Holiday Season

Greetings friends and happy Thanksgiving to our players in the States!

Here's my quick plug to say thank you for staying faithful to your friends here at NarniaMUCK in spite of busy and changing lives. I know it's hard to stay plugged in, especially when your staff are not around as much to help keep you informed.

I'm afraid that staff are going to continue to be scarcer than we've been for the foreseeable future. That said, feel no fear leaving page#mails if you need some help, or using task to document a problem for us. We may not be able to help with everything and we may not be able to respond immediately, but we continue to love you and love working with you. I speak especially for myself, here, but I think the sentiment extends well beyond myself.

All this to say, it's Thanksgiving where I am, and I'm thankful for you guys! This is a place where each of you is truly and visibly important. It's you that keeps RP going with fresh ideas, interesting personalities, exciting adventurous, and abundant community. Keep coming, keep RPing, keeping chatting, and keep poking at me when you see me around! Most of all, keep finding Narnia a great place to relax and find friends. I love to see how you guys enjoy each other here (and I enjoy you, too).

I'll make a quick plug here: the contest for Christmas celebration ideas ends in just a few days on November 25. There's not many entries, so you've got a great chance of us using your idea (and even if you don't, we'll probably give you some silver apples just for contributing)!
Also, start looking out for Father Christmas. I hear he's coming around and about here pretty soon...

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