
Those who were online tonight already know this, but for those who weren't and our visitors:

Narnia MUCK's server died tonight... Read more »

Hunger Fixed!

Well, after two years of only being notified we're hungry when we're a few moments from fainting, and then being deluged with messages such that fainting almost seems preferable to staying awake, I have FINALLY revamped Hunger for what I HOPE is the last time. Read more »

New Command: Attrib

Well, it's done! The Attributes program is in, and it seems to be working reasonably well so far. Many thanks to those of you who had to put up with the bulk of the beta-testing this evening. Thanks to you, many badly-colored eyes and hair settings were avoided. Wink Read more »

Manor at Lancelyn Green... in progress

For those of you Archenlanders (and Narnians) who are wondering who to complain to about Lancelyn Green existing for a good two months now without a manor, Read more »

Welcome Lydia!

NarniaMUCK's staff is pleased to welcome Lydia to our Builders' Staff. She's a recent graduate of the University MUCK builders' program, and she's joined us eager to help add to the game in whatever way she can. Wink !

Bucki and Antheia are in the process of showing her around, but if you happen to see her on, do page and welcome her to the staff. Be nice! We're happy to have her!

Practice Swords, Anyone?

I know I promised the Attributes program would be my next big 'Look What I Did!' announcement, but ...well, anyone who has read this entry in my blog knows that expecting me to focus on any one thing for long enough to actually complete it is pretty cavalier.

Nonetheless, sometimes I do act on productive distractions. Such is the case here. Read more »

Revisions to the SR Command

I was working on other programming today (namely the editor for weapons), and realized that that it was high time I quit muttering to myself and fix something that's been bugging me for a long time. Read more »

New Policy Regarding Free E-mail Addresses

As many of you no doubt know, NarniaMUCK has long held to a strict 'no non-free E-mail' policy with regard to new character registrations. This policy was originally enacted when the game still 'lived' in Denmark, as Danish law required it. The game has since moved to the USA, but we've elected to keep the policy because it keeps our players safer and cuts down on headaches for us. Free-E-mail providers enable users to change identities too easily, whereas paid E-mail accounts are tied to someone specific. Read more »

Lancelyn Green Inn Open

We're proud to announce that the Sun and Moon Inn, located in Lanelyn Green in Archenland, is now open and available to those travelling through Middle Archenland en route to either Carmichael or Andale. The Inn features 9 private rooms at 500 gc/night, and an attached tavern with a nice assortment of edible goods. Many thanks to our builder, Antheia, for providing the building work on the Inn. Read more »

The Spammers are Coming!

Apparently, we've attracted a few spam agents. Over the last few days, our humble forums have attracted registrations from users who are obviously registering specifically to post spam messages or advertise spamfully in their profiles. So far, nothing drastic has happened and we've caught the fraudulent users before they could post anything. Read more »

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