Faulty Routers and Late Night Outages

Last night around 12:30AM central time1, a key router/switch at our hosting provider's network had to be taken down to be replaced. This caused the muck and its website/forums to be inaccessible for about an hour last night.

We're back up and running and should be healthy from here. Thanks for your patience!

  • 1. 1:30AM eastern, 11:30PM mountain, 10:30PM pacific, 5:30AM GMT


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port change?

Does this mean that the port may have also changed? My SimpleMu says that it can't connect to the server (connection fail).

Feaelin's picture

It shouldn't have. What port

It shouldn't have. What port have you been connecting to?

port 1410

port 1410

Feaelin's picture

Ah. Looks like I didn't

Ah. Looks like I didn't change the secondary port. Its on the primary (2050) and the test server's secondary (1408)

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