Wixenstyx's blog

Making a note here: Huge Success!

This was a triumph! In fact, It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Wink
For the first time this month, I can cross something off of my To-Do list for NarniaMUCK. The points of data are making a beautiful line. We're out of beta and releasing on time!

Okay, I'll stop it with the Portal lyrics. Wink Read more »

To Everything There Is a Season

... Turn, turn turn..

I've always wondered about that song. Is it speaking to a need to compartmentalize our lives and attend to each thing in its turn, or something broader? Read more »

MUCKing from Anywhere

Since I now have my own laptop (*hugs her MacBook*), I'm finding a new appreciation for unsecured networks. Wink Where I live, in-home broadband access is typically gained either through SBC-Yahoo DSL or Charter Cable. The former has networks locked down as a matter of policy, but the latter does not. As a result, if my laptop is charged and I think to bring it along, I can MUCK from the most interesting places. Read more »

The Natural Progression of things...

If you've ever wondered why more things don't just get DONE on NarniaMUCK, allow me to enlighten you with a perfect example of the way I tend to work. Read more »

Dum de dum de dum...

I've had a nice time lately just hangng out in the OOC Lounge. Those who have been with us awhile know that now and then I'm able to give myself a break such that I can just hang out there and chat with people, which is always nice. The downside is that it tends to be a double-edged sword; as nice as it is to connect with players and be social for awhile, I end up feeling guilty because I'm distracting from RP, which is clearly not a goal. I won't fret too much, though, because our players of late really aren't the sort to lean too heavily on either IC or OOC at the expense of the other. Yet another reason why I find myself infinitely fond of our current playerbase, I suppose. Read more »

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