New help system!

As part of an ongoing effort to improve the game for new and existing players, we have made some hefty enhancements to the help system. This new nhelp brings a number of improvements over the old one:

  • One help system instead of many different ones (help, admin, info, si).
  • Automatic text search if it can't find the article you want.
  • Improved edit system so staff can make updates more easily.

Please give it a try and let me know what you think! The command is nhelp, and will exist alongside the old help systems for some time. I appreciate any suggestions you might have for making it better before we make the big switch!

Game Server is Back UP!

The problem got resolved some time in the night and I brought the game itself back up this morning.

I don't have all the specifics on what happened yet. One part of what happened is that the virtual machine that the game runs on was transferred from one physical machine to another which required a shutdown of the virtual machine. Anyone one connected to the game at the time may have gotten the message "Going down, be back in a bit!"

Anytime you receive that message it may be because a MUCK staffer initiated a shutdown of the game OR it is because the machine the game runs on is shutting down1.

Unfortunately, after the move, something else went wrong, _possibly_ due to a power failure in the data center in which the physical machine resides. If there's more news, I'll add it as a comment to this news story.


  • 1. For those of you technically minded, this is because the OS (Debian Linux in this case) when told to shutdown sends a 'signal' (SIGTERM) to each process, telling it to close up shop, as it were. GlowMUCK responds by sending that message, saving and exiting as quickly as it can)

Server Outage this Evening

NarniaMUCK is currently down. I'm waiting to hear back from support but it looks like the data center where we're hosted is having problems. We'll bring the server back up as soon as possible and provide any details we have after that.


New Staff: Jarron

Everyone please join me in welcoming Jarron to the Narniamuck staff! Jarron is a talented RPer, and has offered to help out in our Roleplay department. He'll be learning the ropes over the next week or so; don't hesitate to say hi if you see him!

Also, he wears a cape.

Monthly Tip: Kinds of Conflict

There are three major categories of conflict. One is war/conflict with evil. We have some of it in Narnia, but canon limits it quite a bit. The second kind is environmental (frosts, floods, famines, etc). Canon and realism restrict this also, outside of minor problems presented by varying seasons and medieval life(which you should definitely embrace!). The last is relational conflict. RC is generally caused by two things: romance and interpersonal problems. Romance is the simplest conflict to create, but in interpersonal conflict you have more freedom than any other kind, so don't limit yourself to what is simple. Conflicting personal beliefs make great RP, and irritating-but-not-evil characters can lend to some of the most interesting and even funny RP.

Father Christmas

Father Christmas has arrived in Narnia! Just for you, staff has drawn up a rough schedule of where he'll be on any given date and released it for you to view at your leisure. Log on and greet him! Read more »

Advice on Travel and Borders

Someone recently brought to my attention that since the half-removal of the border system, this concept has never been fully clarified, so I am here to do JUST THAT VERY THING.

The basic principle here is: use common sense. That's it! Go how far you think you can go!

That said, we at NarniaMUCK Staff Incorporated (tm) have put together some things to help you out, since virtual maps can get confusing. Read more »

Monthly Tip: Creating Meaningful Characters

When planning a character (alternate or primary), make sure your character has a sustainable position in society and the ability to build relationships with other characters. They don't need to be responsible, healthy, or even good, but they must be accepted and engaging in some respect. This will help ensure a character which will build and be affected by a strong RP environment.

Border Checks

Some time ago, Feaelin made a change to allow players to move across region borders without respect for cost. This change was intended to help players meet up for RP more easily, although we still ask everyone to consider distance and travel times realistically within their RPs. The change seems to have disappeared at some point, however, and so I've just put it back again, and this time I've set a glyph of protection on the code. (... is that a real thing? Gosh, aren't I mysterious!)

If you still have trouble crossing borders, please file a bug using the normal 'bug' command.


Mucking Tip of the Day: Staying Informed

You will frequently hear the phrase, "Don't share IC information OOCly." This is an important rule, but there are a few noteworthy exceptions. One of these involves events that have occurred while a character is OOCly idle. If you're about to RP with another character who you haven't seen in some time, take a moment to discuss what the two of you would and wouldn't know about what has happened to each other during that time. Has your character's best friend been traveling recently? Is there any IC reason why your character wouldn't know this? Find out ahead of time so that you don't both end up feeling frustrated and looking silly!

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